Thursday, October 6, 2011

Decomposition of material

We live in the age of plastic. It's cheap and practical, and it's everywhere - even in our blood. But is it a danger to us? The plastic industry annually generates hundreds of billions of dollars. Every industrial sector in the world today is dependent on plastic. The amount of plastic we have produced since it was invented would be enough to cover the entire globe six times over.
But this inexpensive and convenient substance comes with a high price. Plastic stays in the ground and water system for up to 500 years. It is found on every beach in the world. Numerous studies have proven that the chemicals it releases (such as Bisphenol A) migrate into the human body and may contribute to or cause grave health problems, from allergies to obesity to infertility, cancer and heart disease.

How long does it take for litter or trash to biodegrade??????????

Life Span of Litter
Aluminum Can
Cardboard Box
Cigarette Butt
Cotton Rag-
Disposable Diapers-
Glass Bottle
Monofilament Fishing Line
Milk Cartons (plastic coated)
Nylon Fabric
Orange Peel-
Plastic Film Container-
Painted Wooden Stake-
Plastic 6 pack cover
Plastic Bag- u
Plastic Coated Paper
Plastic Soda Bottles
Rubber Boot sole
Sanitary Pads=
Tin Cans-
Tin Foil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wool Clothing-



Plastic bags

Errors subtitles

answer: not anwer
within: not withing
answer not anwer

worldwide: not wordlwide
pieces: not peaces

yob: not wob

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