Title of the Project
Water and Climatechange: Are troubles everywhere the same?
Aviat treballarem a la Wiki amb els nostres col.leges Holandesos les conseqüències del canvi climàtic i especialment el tema de l 'aigua. La proposta de recerca és: Cóm afectarà la pujada del nivell de l'aigua a Holanda per un costat i la manca d'aigua per un altre costat a Catalunya?
Tasca 1: Effects of climatechange in Catalonia and Holland.

Busqueu a Internet informació sobre aquest tema i pujeu-la.(A DOCUMENTS trobareu alguns articles o links, però n'heu de buscar més) També es poden incloure links de videos que tractin el tema i peguntar als vostres professors de Ciències. Si busqueu fonts en Anglès , cal extreure les frases que enteneu, clares i concises. En cap cas es poden copiar parrafs sencers i recordeu que els traductors NO tradueixen bé)
Upload the information at water-agua2011.wikispaces.com
A Holanda diuen...
Is water a friend for your country/region o is water becoming more and more an enemy in the future?? There are many investigitions and reports about which the effects of climate change in the Netherlands will be in the 21th century. Some of the major effects will be
- Sealevel will rise 60-100cm this century
- We will receive more precipitation every year. But the danger will be the fact that this precipitation will fall in a more intensive way: We will have to deal with periods of less rain and periods with much rain. -The Netherlands will receive more water by the rivers from neighbouring countries. Piekflows from the river Rhine and Maas will cause a lot of threats of flooding.
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