Just have a look at some basic information about climate change
t's not just policies and industries that need to be more
climate-friendly, each individual has an impact on his or
her environment. Choices that we make in our day-to-day
lives can affect the climate.
The impacts on our water are significant and with regards to flooding, it is vital we start thinking about it immediately. For detailed information, see our articles below. Sea levelsAs temperatures rise, the sea will absorb heat from the atmosphere, causing it to expand and therefore creating sea level rises. For more detail read the full article. GlaciersIf the entire Western Antarctic ice sheet melts, the water produced will raise sea levels by about 3.2 metres. For more detail read the full article. FloodingMajor floods that have only happened before say, every 100 years on average, may now begin to occur every 10 or 20 years. The flood season may become longer and there will be flooding in places where there has never been any before. For more detail read the full article. Gulf streamSome climate models indicate that the Gulf Stream could slow by 20-25% by 2100. For more detail read the full article. |
The Kyoto Protocol is an international treaty proposing targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions emissions, which are generally believed to aggravate global warming. It was negotiated in Kyoto Japan
The Kyoto Protocol is a legally binding agreement under which industrialized countries will reduce their collective emissions of greenhouse gases by 5.2% compared to the year 1990 (but note that, compared to the emissions levels that would be expected by 2010 without the Protocol, this target represents a 29% cut.) The goal is to lower overall emissions from six greenhouse gases - carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, sulphur hexafluoride, HFCs, and PFCs.
Signatories to the Kyoto Protocol are split into two groups:
Annex I countries (industrialised countries) and
Annex II countries (developing countries).
Annex I countries agree to reduce their emissions (particularly carbon dioxide) to levels below their 1990 emissions levels.
: The USA although a signatory to the protocol, has neither ratified nor withdrawn from the protocol
Annex II countries have no immediate restrictions under the protocol.
President George Bush, indicated that he does not intend to submit the treaty for ratification, not because he doesn't support the general idea, but because he is not happy with the details of the treaty. For example, he does not support the split between Annex I and Annex II countries. Bush said of the treaty:
"The world's second-largest emitter of greenhouse gases is China Yet, China was entirely exempted from the requirements of the Kyoto Protocol.
A Holanda diuen...
Is water a friend for your country/region o is water becoming more and more an enemy in the future?? There are many investigitions and reports about which the effects of climate change in the Netherlands will be in the 21th century. Some of the major effects will be
- Sealevel will rise 60-100cm this century
- We will receive more precipitation every year. But the danger will be the fact that this precipitation will fall in a more intensive way: We will have to deal with periods of less rain and periods with much rain. -The Netherlands will receive more water by the rivers from neighbouring countries. Piekflows from the river Rhine and Maas will cause a lot of threats of flooding.
Severn Cullis-Suzuki has been active in environmental and social justice work since kindergarten. At age 9, after witnessing burning in the Brazilian Amazon on a trip with her family, she started the Environmental Children’s Organization with her grade 5 friends. ECO was committed to learning and teaching other kids about environmental issues. Eventually they were successful in raising enough money to appear at 1992’s Rio Earth Summit, when 12-year-old Severn delivered a powerful speech at a plenary session that gained worldwide attention. For this, she received the UN Environment Program’s Global 500 Award in 1993. Since then, Severn has spoken worldwide on social and ecological issues, on climate change, and intergenerational injustice
Hydropower is a clean, renewable and reliable energy source which converts kinetic energy from falling water into electricity, without consuming more water than is produced by nature.
Quite simply the oldest method by which renewable energy has been harnessed by the human race.
The first water wheels were used well over 2000 years ago, and the technology has since been refined to become very efficient in the production of electricity.
Wind & the Environment | ||
In the 1970s, oil shortages pushed the development of alternative energy sources. Wind is a clean fuel; wind farms produce no air or water pollution because no fuel is burned. | ||
The most serious environment disadvantage to wind machines may be their negative effect on wild bird populations and the visual impact on the landscape. |
Biomass is organic material which has stored sunlight in the form of chemical energy. Biomass fuels include wood, straw, manure, sugarcane and products from agriculture. It is a renewable energy srouce because the energy it contains comes from the sun.
Types of biomass
There are 2 possibilities
1) Growing plants specifically for energy use.
Energy crops or power crops are grown on farms in large quantities. Trees, grasees and other crops such as corn are used for energy. Since crops must be replanted every year, they need a lot of fertilizers, water, pesticides.... Corn provedes most fo the liquid fuel from biomass in the USA
The Biofuels policies pursued by rich countries are pushing millions of people in the developing world into poverty and increasing carbon emission, thereby negating the climate change mitigation program says an Oxfam study.
Quoting world bank estimates, the studies say the price of food has increased by 83% in the last three years, which is disastrous for the world’s poor people. The lives of about 290 million people are immediately threatened because of food crisis and about 100 million people have already fallen into poverty as a result.
About 30 million people across the world have been dragged into poverty in the last three year.
Today’s Biofuels are not solving the climate or fuel crisis but are instead contributing to food insecurity and inflation
Waves are caused by the wind blowing over the surface of the ocean. There is tremendous energy in the ocean waves. The total power of waves breaking around the world is estimated at 2-3 million megawatts. |
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Solar energy is used for heating water for domestic use, space heating of buildings, drying agricultural products, and generating electrical energy. | |
In the 1830s, the British astronomer John Herschel used a solar collector box to cook food during an expedition to Africa. Now, people are trying to use the sun's energy for lots of things. |
Tidal turbines are a new technology that can be
used in many tidal areas. They are basically wind
turbines that can be located anywhere there is a
strong tide.
Where does Natural Gas come from?
Millions of years ago, the remains of plants and animals decayed and built up in thick layers. This decayed matter from plants and animals is called organic material -- it was once alive. Over time, the mud and soil changed to rock, covered the organic material and trapped it beneath the rock. Pressure and heat changed some of this organic material into coal, some into oil (petroleum), and some into natural gas -- tiny bubbles of odorless gas. The main ingredient in natural gas is methane,
Oil was formed from the remains of animals and plants that lived millions of years ago in a marine (water) environment before the dinosaurs. Over the years, the remains were covered by layers of mud. Heat and pressure from these layers helped the remains turn into what we today call crude oil. The word "petroleum" means "rock oil" or "oil from the earth." |
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The world's top five crude oil-producing countries are: • Saudi Arabia • Russia • United States • Iran • China http://www.kids.esdb.bg/naturalgas.html |
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